Hector Jacques is known for his engineering skills, environmental science insights, and business acumen. He received his Bachelor of Engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, India (1966), and a Master of Engineering from the Technical University of Nova Scotia (1968).
He established the Jacques Whitford Group of Companies in Darthmouth, Nova Scotia, in 1972. Presently he is its President, Chief Executive Officer, and Principle Geotechnical Engineer.
Throughout the years, he has received numerous awards, including the Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia?s Engineering Award for distinctive achievement in the practice of Engineering; the national Beaubien Award, which represents the highest mark with distinction for exceptional service to the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada; Canada?s 125th Anniversary Medal (1993) for significant contribution to compatriots, the community and Canada; and Canada?s 50 best Managed Private Companies Award (1993) form the Financial Post/Arthur Andersen. He became a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada in 1994.
He belongs to many engineering organizations, including the Association of Professional Engineers of Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Newfoundland, and New Brunswick; the International Association of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering; the Nova Scotia Consulting Engineers Association; the Association of Consulting Engineers of Canada; and the Nova Scotia Business Development Corporation, to name but a few.
For his expertise on Earth Science related matters, on several occasions he has been called as an expert witness in the Federal and Supreme Courts of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and Newfoundland. He is also involved with a number of community based organizations.
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