Can I modify a course title?
Can I change the credit hours of an existing course?
What if I no longer want to submit my proposal?
Why are there red boxes around some courses with "Course Not Found"?
How do I add a Cross-listing in CIM?
Cross-listing new courses
Cross-listing new and existing courses
Removing a cross-list
Can I edit a course/program that is in workflow?
How does rollback work?
If you are an approver and wish to roll the proposal back to a previous workflow step for further modification, press the red "rollback" button in the Approve view, and select the person or role to whom it is to be rolled back, including an explanation.
What happens when the CourseLeaf system is closed for the academic year, but a proposal already is in workflow and will need to be rolled back because it requires further edits?
After the system has been closed, the farthest step back that a rollback can be sent and still allow editing is the Chair/Coordinator workflow step. If you roll it back all the way to the original submitter, it will have fallen out of workflow and cannot be edited or resubmitted.
If you are the original submitter and need to make a further edit after the proposal has been submitted into workflow, your Chair/Coordinator can edit it directly in the Approve screen, using the blue Edit button. If the proposal has moved past the Chair/Coordinator step, you can contact the individual for the role/step at which the proposal is resting and ask them to roll it back to your Chair/Coordinator.
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