Investment of university funds is governed by the University Funds Investment Policy.
Responsibility for this policy lies with the Finance Committee of the Saint Mary's University Board of Governors. An independent Investment Advisory Committee comprised of volunteers provides additional input and advice to the university.
Saint Mary’s investments are managed by investment managers in pooled funds, which provide the university with a more cost-effective way to achieve diversification. All of Saint Mary’s investment managers except one are signatories to the United Nations‐supported Principles for Responsible Investment (UN PRI). The one that is not a signatory invests solely in Canadian real estate.
Saint Mary’s University selects and continuously monitors third-party investment managers with the assistance of an external investment consultant. Mercer LLC, a recognized responsible investment consultant and a signatory to the UN PRI, serves as the university’s consultant.
Starting in 2024, Saint Mary’s voluntarily discloses detailed holdings information for the Endowment Funds Investment Portfolio (EFIP) and Restricted Funds Investment Portfolio (RFIP) in an annual report.
This annual report includes all public equity holdings within the EFIP and the RFIP.
Due to the agreements in place with specific fund managers, the individual holdings of Saint Mary’s investments in Canada Life’s Canadian real estate fund, PIMCO’s global fixed income fund, IFM’s global infrastructure fund and SLC’s private debt fund are not disclosed. For more information on these investments, please visit their respective websites:
Saint Mary's University Annual Investment Holdings Report (as of March 31, 2024)
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