You may encounter registration problems while trying to add courses. Most you can resolve on your own, others may require help from your Academic Advisor.
Here are some of the most common error messages:
“Registration is not permitted at this time”
“Program Restriction or Level Restriction”
“PREQ and Test Score Error”
What is a prerequisite?
A prerequisite is a course you must successfully complete (either in a previous year or term) in preparation for a more advanced class. Many courses in the 2000 level or higher will have prerequisites. Check the Academic Calendar for a list of prerequisites required for each course.
Important: If you register for a prerequisite course in the fall term, you can register for the advanced course in the Winter term. If you fail or withdraw from the fall course, you will have to drop the winter course that requires the prerequisite (e.g. You can register for SOCI 1211 in the winter if you are registered for SOCI 1210 in the fall.)
“Closed Section”
What is a cross-listed course?
Cross-listed courses are offered jointly by two departments. Each department has a certain number of seats reserved for students in their program. If the number of seats available in your program is full, you cannot register for the course.
“Link Error: L1/R1 Required”
Important: When viewing the academic timetable, please take note of the Attributes for each section of the class. Some courses require that you take a specific lab/recitation.
“Time Conflict with 1xxx or 2xxx”
Important: You cannot register for a course offered at the same time as a lab/recitation, even if that lab/recitation is only scheduled once a week.
“Duplicate CRN”
“Repeat Count Exceed 0”
This is a warning. One of two things are preventing your registration.
“Maximum Hours Exceeded”
“Major Restriction”
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