Every year, the Department of Chemistry employs registered Saint Mary’s University Science Students as Teaching Assistants (TAs) to help with the operation of specific courses/labs. Some positions are highly interactive and involve answering student questions or running demonstrations during classes or labs, while other positions require low- to no-student-interaction (e.g., marking labs and quizzes).
How to Apply
TA Jobs
Successful CHEM 1210/1211/1212/1213 Lab Marker, Course Marker and Lab Demonstrator TA applicants may be required to attend training. A more defined schedule for each type of training will be decided at the start of term.
Due to final registration numbers, or changes to course delivery, some currently advertised jobs may no longer be available.
TA Job Descriptions
Please review each Job Description as there have been some modifications; particularly with regards to the “availability requirements” of the job.
Total hours per TA job per term are 36 hours for Undergraduate TA positions and 48 hours for Graduate Student TA positions; stipend pays will be pro-rated based on SMU’s "Payroll Teaching Assistant/Student Marker/Demonstrator Schedule".
Course Marker Lab Demonstrator TA - 1st Year Labs Lab Demonstrator TA - All Upper Level Labs Lab Developer-CHEM 2333/3432 Lab Marker TA - 1st Year Labs Lab Prep Assistant TA - 1st year Labs CHEM 2333/2313 Lab Preparation Assistant & Demonstrator Senior Lab TA - 1st Year SMU SPARK TA
From time to time the Chemistry Department may receive job advertisements from various departments, organizations and faculty members. Those additional employment opportunities maybe advertised below. Any person interested in these positions are encouraged to apply as per the instructions in the advertised jobs. All queries related to the advertised jobs are to be directed to the advertising organization; applications directed to the Chemistry Department (unless otherwise noted) may not receive a reply nor may they be forwarded to the advertising organization.
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