Offered by the International Centre for Co-operative Management, the International Co-operative Alliance Cooperative Law Committee and IUS Cooperativum.
This course builds links between co-operative law, Co-operative Identity (ICA 1995), and sustainable development. How are values and principles translated into legal rules and legal practice? What types of rules are fitting, and what may cause ‘degeneration’ of co-operative enterprise? How do legal structural elements of co-operatives relate to aspects of sustainable development? This course is relevant to an international audience and can apply to all types of co-operatives and mutuals in all sectors of the economy. See Co-op Law Summer School Brief Agenda for more course details.
Hagen Henrÿ, a renowned co-operative legal expert, is the primary instructor. Hagen is a visiting scholar at the University of Helsinki and Chairman of the International Co-operative Alliance’s Cooperative Law Committee. The course includes guest speakers in economics and law.
Individuals with a strong interest in co-operative law include lawyers, law students in advanced stages of study, co-operative practitioners, policymakers, regulators, and those working in the co-op sector in advocacy and/or government relations.
$800 CAD (~500 EUR). The fee includes coffee breaks and lunch during classroom days. The fee does not include accommodations, travel costs (to/from Pula), or travel health insurance.
August 24-29, 2025. Programming opens with an evening reception on Sunday, August 24, and closes in the afternoon on Friday, August 29.
Juraj Dobrila University of Pula in Croatia, Zagrebacka 30, Pula, Croatia. The classroom venue is located at the Economics Faculty downtown (FET, Preradovićeva 1/1, Pula). Pula is accessible by air, bus, or ferry from many European destinations. Participants are responsible for obtaining any travel/entry visas (as required).
Participants are responsible for arranging their accommodation. Several rooms are reserved in Juraj Dobrila University of Pula Student Residences, a 5-minute walk from the venue. If you are interested in booking them, please do this directly by emailing with the Subject "ICCM." Prices (per person, daily) are as follows:
Explore other accommodation options in the city, from hostels to hotels.
Registration is open! Register here.
Please write with your questions.
We offered a special webinar on October 24, 2024, titled "Law & Co-operatives—Friend or foe?" Exploring the legal landscape for, about, and against co-ops. View the recording and enjoy vignettes from Summer School '23 participants about how they have put their learnings to practice. Hear from co-op legal experts on the intersections of law and co-operatives: enabling legal environments for co-op development, achievements, and challenges. This event was organized collectively with the International Cooperative Alliance and IUS Cooperativum.
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