Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy

Saint Mary’s University is committed to ending Sexual Violence and Harassment in all forms in the University Community. Sexual Violence and Harassment undermines the full, free and safe participation of all members of the University Community by creating intimidating, hostile and/or unsafe living, learning, and working conditions, environments and experiences, which can negatively impact an individual’s academic and/or employment performance and status. 

Saint Mary’s University is committed to maintaining a positive and respectful learning, living and working environment that respects the rights of all Saint Mary’s University community members to learn, study, live and work free from Sexual Violence and Harassment. 

Read Saint Mary’s Sexual Violence and Harassment Policy

If you want to report an experience of sexual violence to the University, your starting point is the Sexual Violence Advisor who will: provide you with support, help explore your options and help with accessing additional services and supports on Campus and in the Community.  

Contact the Sexual Violence Advisor at, 902 420 5215, or click below to request that the Sexual Violence Advisor reach out to you: 

Request Support

To learn more about your options, you can go here: I Experienced Sexual Violence and Want Support.

Contact us
Dee Dooley, Sexual Violence Advisor
409 Student Centre

Get Help Now

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