I Experienced Sexual Violence and Want Support

You are not alone. There is support for you at Saint Mary’s and in the community. Below is a list of local and provincial supports for Survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. If you want to discuss the best support options for you, please contact the Sexual Violence Advisor.

If you have experienced sexual violence, know that it is not your fault. We are here for you and can connect you to services, help you think through options, or simply listen. Saint Mary's will support you in whatever you choose to do. You will be believed, you have options, and you are not alone.

Go to a place where you feel safe 

If you feel as though you are in danger, call 911. 

  • Saint Mary’s security services offer support to the entire Campus Community. For emergencies, dial 902 420 5000 or dial 5000 from any campus landline. 
  • The Loyola Residence desk (open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week) is a safe place for any student whether they live on or off-campus. They can be reached by phone at 902 420 5591. 
  • If you live in Residence, go to the Residence Assistant
  • If you live off-campus, go to a trusted friend or relative 

Get medical attention as needed 

  • Go to your local hospital emergency room 
  • Call the Avalon Sexual Assault S.A.N.E Program (Sexual Assault Nurse Examiner) directly at 902 425 0122 

Contact the Sexual Violence Advisor for support and to learn about your options 

Confidentiality is essential in making you feel safe to Disclose experiences of sexual and gender-based violence, and to seek support and accommodations. Before you Disclose or Report information to someone, you have the right to ask about the level of confidentiality you can expect from them. In the Sexual Violence Support Centre, the Sexual Violence Advisor will explain confidentiality and its limits, privacy, and how records are stored and managed at Saint Mary's.  

In rare cases, the University may be required to take action based on information shared.  This happens where: 

  • There is an immediate threat of serious physical harm to yourself or another person 
  • A court order is received for your records (this can include notes taken regarding a disclosure, reports made to University Security, a counselling file) 
  • The incident involves explicit images or video of an individual under the age of 18 
  • You are under the age of 16 
  • You are under the age of 19, and the person who hurt you is your a parents or guardian 

If any of these situations apply to you, you will be fully informed of the implications to confidentiality and actions taken and you will be supported throughout the process.

It is important to understand the different between Disclosing your experience and Reporting it.  

Disclosing an experience of sexual or gender-based violence is when you tell someone what happened.  Disclosing your experience can allow you to get support if you need or want it.  Disclosing can also be simply talking about your experience. 

Reporting an experience of sexual or gender-based violence takes place when you share your experience and want actions taken either through Saint Mary's or law enforcement.  

Disclosing and/or Reporting: it is your choice.  

To learn more about supports, accommodations, and your reporting options contact the Sexual Violence Advisor at sexualviolence@smu.ca or 902 420 5215 

Request Support

Contact us
Dee Dooley, Sexual Violence Advisor
409 Student Centre

Get Help Now

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