For the By-Laws concerning this Committee, see Senate By-Law 1.10 (five members of Senate appointed by Senate).
1.10.1 An Election Committee comprising five members of Senate appointed by Senate from among the elected academic staff members of Senate continuing in office will conduct the complete nomination and election procedure. In conducting the business of the committee, the Chairperson and three members will constitute a quorum.
1.10.2 At the beginning of each calendar year, the Secretary of Senate shall consult with Human Resources Payroll to develop an updated list of academic staff, showing each member’s faculty and department affiliation(s), and revised in accordance with Senate resolutions and By-Laws. The reconstitutes list shall constitute the electorate.
1.10.3 The Secretary of Senate shall circulate the list of the electorate to the Elections Committee, Department Chairs, and Program Coordinators, and indicate those eligible for nomination (no later than) one week prior to the issuance of Nomination Forms. All corrections must be made known to the Secretary of Senate within this week and no later.
1.10.4 Each eligible elector shall be provided with the corrected list of those eligible for nomination to Senate. Accompanying the list shall be a Nomination Form.
1.10.5 The Nomination Form shall provide for:
1.10.6 To be valid, the Nomination Form must be signed by two members of the electorate and must contain a number of nominations not greater than the number of vacancies to be filled.
1.10.7 The Election Committee shall be responsible for receiving the Nomination Ballot.
1.10.8 The Election Committee shall draw up an Election Ballot containing the names and departments of all those who have been nominated. The names shall be listed on the Election Ballot in random order. The Election Ballot shall be distributed to all eligible voters.
1.10.9 Those nominees receiving the largest number of votes on Election Ballots shall be elected to Senate.
1.10.10 To be valid, Election Ballots must not contain a number of votes greater than the number of vacancies to be filled.
1.10.11 Wherever possible, the Elections Committee shall utilize the Senate approved electronic voting system to conduct the elections. The integrity and anonymity of the voting process will be maintained.
1.10.12 Where a manual, hard copy election process is required, the Senate approved manual voting process shall be used. The integrity and anonymity of the voting process will be maintained.
1.10.13 A sealed ballot box shall be used, and for the convenience of the electorate, this box shall be placed in a location accessible to all of the electorate.
1.10.14 In accordance with Roberts Rules of Order Newly Revised, the Chairperson of the Election Committee shall cast the deciding vote in the event of a tie in the election.
1.10.15 The Chairperson of the Election Committee shall forward a signed copy of the vote tabulation report indicating the names of those elected to the Elections Committee, and a copy of that report together with the pertinent documents of the election to the Secretary of Senate.
1.10.16 The Secretary of Senate shall post, on the Senate website, the name of the election that has concluded and the name(s) of those elected.
1.10.17 The Senate shall have the sole right to determine any question concerning the election of any elected member of Senate or the right of any person to sit or be or act as a member of Senate and the decision of Senate in any such matter shall be final.
1.10.18 The procedures listed under 1.10.1-1.10.17 may be changed by Senate resolution carried by simple majority.
Membership 2024-2025
Dr Roby Austin (Chair)
Dr Alison Barclay
Dr Marc Doucet
Dr Heather Sanderson
Dr Christa Brosseau
Board of Governors
Bill Sewell, HIST, 2024-2027
Rylan Higgins, ANTH, 2024 - 2027
Academic Senate
Karen Grandy (COMM) 2024-2027
Veronica Stinson (PSYC) 2024-2027
Heather Sanderson (Library) 2024-2027
Marc Doucet (POLI) 2024-2027
Raymond Sewell (ENGL) 2024-2027
Senate Chairperson - Jason Grek-Martin
Senate Vice-Chairperson - Karen Grandy
University Appointments Committee
Hong Fan (ACCT) 2024-2027
Erin Adlakha(GEOL) 2024-2027
University Review Committee
Myles McCallum (LANG) 2024-2026
Benita Bunjun (SJCS) 2024-2026
Augie Westhaver (SOC) 2024-2026
Vacant 2024-2026
Jason Masuda (CHEM) 2024 -2026
Panel of Full Professors
Goran Stanivukovic 2024-2026
Paul Dixon 2024-2026
Ather Akbari 2024-2026
Colleen Barber (BIOL) 2024-2026
Nicolas Roulin (PSYC) 2024-2026
Board of Governors By-Election 2024-2025
Erin Adlakha (GEOL) 2024-2025
View All